Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Want Some Lemonade?

"If life throws you a lemon - make lemonade."-Joan Collins

At the end of the semester, we must turn in a portfolio for the Biocommunications Object Lighting class. One of the requirements is that we include items with certain specifications. One of the images must be glass. While perusing the shelves of a store looking for a mug for my pharmaceutical shoot, I found this pitcher and was inspired to do a clean, simple, high key shot of lemonade.

I used a Nikon D3s, 70-200 mm lens, I shot it at 1/125 and f/11, ISO 200. I lit it using 2 Speedotron flashes and a fill card.


  1. um i want a glass! this looks so pretty, simple and refreshing! Good work Liz!

  2. Very nice! Love the lemon on the glass and looks so inviting. =-)

  3. This ended up better than I remembered it in the studio. Nice high-key, sassy back light there kiddo. Good work

  4. Thanks, Paul! Glad I can still surprise you! :)

    Thank you, Jill!


About Me

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Hi! I am Elizabeth Ratledge, a photography student at Randolph Community College in Asheboro, NC.
