Sunday, May 23, 2010

Clayton and Titan

This is my friend, Clayton on his parent's property.  Clayton's family owns a llama, named Titan. Titan is kind of skittish, but will eat food out of your hand sometimes. Clay told me once that Titan got out and started eating grass around the neighborhood. They got a call from a couple houses down asking if they had lost a llama! Hahahaaa! I can't imagine looking out the window to find a llama grazing on my lawn! 

This is Titan. Eating some food in his field!


Michael, his brother, and I went out to his brother's friend's house to go shooting. For the second time in my life someone convinced me to shoot a gun. The gun we shot was a Glock 9 mm, so that was a different experience from using a hunting rifle. WOW! But the land was a huge, and the two houses were really nice. This shot was taken on the patio area outside, near the fire pit. 

I also used the video on my D90 for the first time on this trip. While I am not nearly good enough at shooting to post a video (it took me almost 2 minutes to shoot one clip the first one) I am hoping to post a video up soon. The video quality is okay. Better then on point and shoot cameras, but also not as good as regular video cameras. I also thought the way you have to prefocus was sort of annoying, but that also might be user error. I am still experimenting with it! So hopefully I will have SOME kind of video up soon enough!

Granddaddy's Birthday/Farm Time Part 3

This picture was an experiment. I had read in a landscape special in one of the photography magazines a technique where you use a slower shutter speed to blur colorful flowers. This was just an experiment, but I thought that the results were pretty interesting. I want to try it next time with a bigger view of a landscape with flowers in the foreground, and next time try to use MORE flowers.

This is one of the older tractors on the farm. I thought it had a lot of character. Especially with the crooked metal in the front!

Granddaddy's Birthday/Farm Time Part 2

Grandaddy's Birthday/Farm Time Part 1

I went to my grandparent's farm on May 8th to visit my grandaddy for his birthday cookout. Towards the end of the party, Michael and I went photo safaring around the farm. These are blades on a piece of machinery.

This is a backlit leaf on some crop.

This is my granddaddy! Opening his birthday presents! It was really nice to be able to hang out with my family, especially now that I have moved to go to school. Leaving has made me value the time I get to spend with them that much more. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Portfolio Showing

May 7th- We had our first year photography student portfolio showing for the spring semester today. This is a picture towards the end of the showing. Of 1/4 of the second year studio, where the showing was held.

This is me with my entire portfolio. (The two on the far left are Cara's though) My dad is in the red shirt looking at the display!

Thanks to either David Ray or Michael Hughes for taking this picture! Not sure which person took this!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

All Night Portfolio Printing

This was from the night Michael, Ian, and I pulled an all nighter to get our portfolios done! This is my dog, Winston, sitting snuggly in the steps watching us drying our paper and vaccuming up the water that had spilled all in the basement on about 3 hours of sleep each! I thought the Ilford paper was a nice touch for the goal of the night.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Solar Powered Fountain

After a hectic morning of classes, our first final exam, and a short portrait critique, a few friends and I sat down to chat on the sidewalk and, in one case catch a last portfolio shot. This is a fountain outside of our health and science building that is directly powered by solar radiation. It's a pretty cool contraption (until the sky clouds over).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Days in the Studio

Portfolio week has officially begun! From sun up to sun down our entire first year class will be processing film, developing pictures, mounting final projects, looking over contact sheets, cramming for our final exams, and trying not to go to sleep in the small dark spaces we will be in!
I shot this picture tonight right after finishing two of my portfolio images! This is the wall of processing chemicals! Hopefully I will be done with everything early this week so I can go on some REAL photo safaris!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Board Games

I traveled to my friend Ian's house to do some schoolwork today, and had the pleasure of meeting two guys from his church. After eating dinner they got out this board game I had never seen before and they invited me to join. It was awesome! Even better than Monopoly, and we were definitely getting competitive. The picture above is a shot of the board midgame!

These were my pieces!

And this is a closer view of a single hexagon on the board.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Michael and I had just gotten home from a movie. I snapped this 30 second exposure of him as we were taking the dogs out!

About Me

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Hi! I am Elizabeth Ratledge, a photography student at Randolph Community College in Asheboro, NC.
