Saturday, September 15, 2012

Southport, NC After A Thunderstorm

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”- Marc Riboud

This is an old gem I found from my archives while I was searching for something the other day. It was taken on one of my trips to see my mother in Southport, NC. It's amazing how you can look at something with fresh eyes, and it can take on a new life. 

I have taken an almost year hiatus from my blog. I believe it is time to bring it back to life. So, I will start by posting some of what I've been shooting in the past year. So, keep a look out for upcoming posts!

*Don't forget to click on the image to see a larger view!


  1. On the initial it seems dreary then it becomes soothing. Composition is pleasing. Mr. Fibs would approve.

  2. so happy to see you back up and running! xoxo


About Me

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Hi! I am Elizabeth Ratledge, a photography student at Randolph Community College in Asheboro, NC.
